Fort Scott Landscaping – San Francisco CA

Landscaping and removing fire hazards on 403 acre military reserve adjacent to Fort Scott, San Francisco. Tree trimming and clearing under brush, constructing fire breaks, removing fallen logs and debris, thereby removing a serious fire hazard. And planting ice plant… read more

Fort Scott Construction – San Francisco CA

Fort Winfield Scott

Construct a basement in Building No. 13 at Fort Scott. This consists of cutting holes for 6 windows and one door, removing 150 cubic yards of dirt and completely finishing the interior. Construct a log cabin complete 50' x 24'… read more

Fort Scott Roads – San Francisco CA

Widen 15,600 linear feet of existing roads from 10 feet to 30 feet; this will involve paving 34,700 square yards with emulsified asphalt. Surface 3,200 linear feet of existing roads; this will involve paving 10,600 square yards with emulsified asphalt…. read more