Lea Hall (ENMU) – Portales NM

ENMU’s Lea Hall was constructed as a New Deal project in 1936.  The Public Works Administration (P.W.A.) provided a $46,000 loan and $37,636 grant for the project, whose total cost was $85,034. P.W.A. Docket No. N.M. 7048

Quay Hall (ENMU) – Portales NM

ENMU’s Quay Hall was constructed as a New Deal project in 1935-6. The Public Works Administration (PWA) provided a loan and a grant to cover most of the cost of the project.  

Golden Library (ENMU): Jonson Mural – Portales NM

The abstract mural titled “Science,” by Raymond Jonson, was funded by the WPA’s Federal Art Project. It is in ENMU’s Golden Library. Nearby, the university’s administration building houses this mural’s twin, titled “Art”. Flynn: They were planned as a pair, with the aim… read more

Golden Library (ENMU): Artwork – Portales NM

In addition to “Science,” a large New Deal mural, ENMU’s Golden library is the home of several smaller commissioned (“portable”) examples of New Deal paintings, including: Gene Kloss: “Penitente Friday” and “Acoma” Stuart Walker: “Black and White Sawmill” and “Abstract” Cady Wells: “Mesas”… read more