• Commonwealth Post Office Mural - Fullerton CA
    The oil-on-canvas mural Orange Pickers by Paul Julian is the only Works Progress Administration (WPA) post office mural in Orange County. It was painted in 1941 or 1942 at the Federal Arts Studio in Los Angeles and then installed in the lobby of the post office in 1942.  The 6 foot by 13 foot mural depicts images of Fullerton industries including citrus, oil and aviation. The style of the mural is known as regionalism which was very popular during this time period. This mural was Julian’s last public arts project. Julian then went on to have a successful career in the...
  • Upland Elementary School Exterior Murals - Upland CA
    Artist Paul Julian created a series of four large petrachrome murals on the exterior of Upland Elementary School's auditorium. The murals were funded by the WPA's Federal Art Project and completed in 1942. The set of four murals depicts scenes from Upland's history: native era, mission era, Anglo settlement and citrus era.  The paintings are in a stylized social realism typical of the time, featuring muscular men at work in all four panels.  It is notable that the Indigenous people are portrayed in the same muscular manner as Spaniards and Anglos – though the cooperative labor of padres and natives seems a...