• Currie Park Quarry - Wauwatosa WI
    "When federal funds became available under the Civil Works Administration (CWA), with only three weeks of planning time Milwaukee city and county officials developed projects to employ 26,000 workers in the winter of 1933-34 doing landscaping, road grading, street repair and painting. One of the largest projects employed almost 2,000 men straightening out an S-curve in the Milwaukee River and constructing a lagoon and islands in Lincoln Park in order to reduce flooding on the north side of Milwaukee. County park projects included construction of a quarry at Currie Park."
  • Honey Creek & Menominee Parkways - Wauwatosa WI
    "Improved 225 acres of the parkway from North Avenue to Church Street, planted 10,000 shrubs and trees, built 7 bridges and constructed 5 miles of roads. Erected 2 miles of retaining wall along the Menomonee River to halt erosion. Constructed an overhead for the Rapid Transit over the parkway."
  • Honey Creek Bridge (Portland Bridge) - Wauwatosa WI
    Concrete and stone arch bridge over Honey Creek on Honey Creek Parkway North of Hwy 18. Built in 1934 as part of the Civilian Conservation Corps. A number of pictures are included on the referenced web page.
  • Hoyt Park Swimming Pool - Wauwatosa WI
    "Later in 1936, the regional planning department prepared plans for the new pool and bathhouse that was then constructed by the WPA. The new facility opened in 1939. The pool had a capacity of one million gallons."
  • Wauwatosa East High School Addition - Wauwatosa WI
    The PWA built an addition to Wauwatosa High School.
  • Wauwatosa East High School Mural - Wauwatosa WI
    " Myron Nutting and in 1934 when he painted the canvases under a Federal Arts Program project at Wauwatosa (East) High School, he was an art instructor at the old Layton School of Art in Milwaukee... Nutting was commissioned in June 1934 to design and paint the Wauwatosa High School murals in the school's art-deco style front lobby. The murals hang on facing walls, each in a space measuring 14 feet by 4 feet, above glazed tile walls. In a modernization during the mid-1970s, the murals, tiles and two oak trophy cabinets were covered over with plaster and wallboard. The heads...