• Armory - Fillmore UT
    "During the 1930s, UTNG used federal money, often supplied through the Works Progress Administration (WPA), to build or expand a number of UTNG facilities. The WPA funded eight armories and several garage and storage areas for the UTNG. By 1940, 13 armories were in use by the Utah Guard including" that in Fillmore. "A bronze plaque on the east pilaster on the north elevation reads: “Fillmore Armory Constructed by Utah State Armory Board, Fillmore City and the Works Progress Administration 1937.”  The Fillmore Armory was designed by Niels P. Larsen, an architect who designed many buildings while working with the Works...
  • Town Hall (former) - Fillmore UT
    Fillmore, Utah's historic former town hall was constructed as a federal New Deal project with the assistance of Works Progress Administration (WPA) labor. The building is now privately owned (home for years to Deano's Pizza).