• Fort Harrison Development - Fort Harrison MT
    The W.P.A. conducted development work at Fort Harrison in Montana. W.P.A. project info: "Construct building and improve grounds" Official Project Number: 165‐1‐91‐4 Total project cost: $591,019.00 Sponsor: Montana State Armory Board "Construct recreation hall and rest room" Official Project Number: 565‐91‐2‐15 Total project cost: $11,485.00 Sponsor: Montana National Guard "Complete construction of recreation hall" Official Project Number: 65‐1‐91‐81 Total project cost: $6,612.00 Sponsor: Montana National Guard "Construct facilities" Official Project Number: 65‐3‐91‐235 Total project cost: $14,654.00 Sponsor: Montana National Guard "Construct new kitchen and mess hall, and move temporary kitchens" Official Project Number: 865‐91‐8‐8 Total project cost: $1,735.00 Sponsor: Montana National Guard