• Library - Blue Hill ME
    Built to replace the former library that shared an 1895 building with the town hall. "By the early 1930s, the Town Hall location was too small. Even though these were the years of the Depression, plans began for a new library. Adelaide Pearson, who had moved to Blue Hill in 1928, took on the formidable task. She was described as “a small woman who got things done” and had a vision for a library that was an integral part of the community, serving more than as a place to store and retrieve books. To fulfill that dream, she organized a fundraising campaign...
  • Road Work - Blue Hill ME
    In 1934, the C.W.A. completed 2,000 feet of repair work on the East Blue Hill Road employing 26 men. The E.R.A. did construction work on the North Blue Hill Road employing 44 men. Total on both projects paid by C.W.A. and ERA $6,060.61 Total on both projects paid by town $263.48
  • School Construction and Repairs - Blue Hill ME
    Annual town reports of 1933 and 1934 describe extensive work by Federal Agencies in repair of school facilities in this picturesque small coastal town. Until the construction of Consolidated School in 1939, most were the typical one- or two-room schools. 1933 The town selectmen in the Warrant said: "35 To see if the town will vote to authorize and instruct the selectmen and treasurer to make application for and borrow from the government under the provisions of the National Industrial Recovery Act funds for the construction of the school building proposed in Article 33." "SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT I herewith submit my annual report as superintendent of...