• Farm-to-Market Road - Blackstone MA
    The Works Progress Administration (W.P.A.) built a 2.5-mile farm-to-market road in Blackstone starting in late 1937.
  • Roosevelt Park - Blackstone MA
    Roosevelt Park in Blackstone, Massachusetts was developed with the assistance of federal funds during the early stages of the New Deal, most likely the Federal Emergency Relief Administration (F.E.R.A.). The facility is located behind the town's municipal complex, off St. Paul Street.
  • Town Hall (former) - Blackstone MA
    The former Town Hall in Blackstone, Massachusetts was developed with the assistance of federal funds during the New Deal. While documentation is not entirely clear, writing suggests that multiple New Deal agencies were involved in the town hall building's initial conversion to municipal use and its subsequent expansion, including the Federal Emergency Relief Administration, the Public Works Administration, and the Works Progress Administration. The building has since been demolished and a new municipal complex built in its stead. PWA Docket No. MA X 1447.