• Armory Improvements - Branford CT
    W.P.A. improvements to the historic Armory building in Branford, CT, included: "Patch, plaster, paint, and varnish Armory building". Official Project Number: 165‐15‐2081 Total project cost: $2,182.00 Sponsor: State of Connecticut Quartermaster General's Department "Painting and repairing of Armory" Official Project Number: 65‐15‐1945
  • Hammer Park - Branford CT
    The federal Works Progress Administration (W.P.A.) funded labor toward the development of Hammer Park in Branford, CT. The town's Annual Report, 1937 said: "The W. P. A. has assisted in laying out, grading, seeding and planting shrubs and trees on that portion of the Field at the corner of Prospect Street and Church Street so what was a dumping ground that was an eye sore ... has now become a place of beauty ..."
  • Parker Memorial Park - Branford CT
    The federal Civil Works Administration (C.W.A.) funded labor toward the development of Parker Memorial Park in Branford, CT. The town's Report of the Parker Memorial Park Committee, 1934 said: "We have been able to accomplish this work in a much shorter time than expected owing to assistance received from the C. W. A."