• Sea Wall - Avila Beach CA
    The Works Progress Administration (WPA) constructed the seawall between the beach and Front Street in Avila Beach CA in 1937. That wall was replaced in 2000 and the corner piece with the WPA stamp on it placed in the park downtown.
  • Wastewater System - Avila CA
    "In January, 1937, the community of Avila, consisting of 75 people, installed the first wastewater collection system for the community at a cost of $10,670. This included 5,000 feet of 6” sewer lines, 18 manholes, 1 flush tank, 2 septic tanks and 200 feet of cast iron sewer. This became a WPA project with $8,464 contributed from the WPA resulting in a net cost to the community of $2,206."