• Beacon Homes Public Housing - Laurel MS
    Beacon Homes for white families was begun in 1939 with clearance of sub-standard housing. The project included 45 buildings of 3 1/2 and 5 1/2 room units on Beacon Street, now renamed Leontyne Price Boulevard. Designed by architects Landry and Matthes, low bid was awarded to W. J. McGee and Son for $466,943. Beacon Homes was the first low-rent housing project in Mississippi. Plans called for construction of one-story duplex dwellings and two-story row houses, with brick walls on hollow tile backup, concrete first floors and wood second floors, pitched roofs with cement asbestos shingles, and gas-fired space heaters. The...
  • Shady Grove Consolidated School - Laurel MS
    Shady Grove school was construction supported by the Public Works Administration as project x1300. A grant of $45,000 was approved Sep. 29, 1938 and construction begun Dec. 5. Architects were Landry and Matthes for the one-story building. The project was 96% completed Dec. 1, 1939 for a total cost of $87,424. The school closed in 2009 and was demolished in 2016.
  • White Acres Public Housing - McComb MS
    Preliminary plans for White Acres for white tenants was planned for South McComb in January 1940. The proposed unit was project Miss. 3-2, comprising 15 residential buildings and one administration/service building, and housing 84 families. Construction was by J. K. Fraser with a cost of $203,400. Architects were Landry and Matthes. The project involved razing existing structures, and grading, landscaping, plumbing and electrical work for the new structures. The two-story brick units are still in use.