• National Archives, Central Plains Region Murals - Kansas City MO
    Edward Buk Ulreich painted two murals for the Columbia, Missouri, post office in 1937: "Indians Watching Stagecoach in the Distance" and "Pony Express." He was paid $1,580 for his murals, commissioned by the Department of the Treasury's Section of Painting and Sculpture. After the post office moved to a new location, the murals were moved to city offices where they stayed from 1967-2004. In 2010, they were installed at the National Archives at Kansas City, located in Missouri.
  • Post Office Mural - New Rockford ND
    The New Rockford, North Dakota post office contains a Section of Fine Arts mural entitled "Advance Guard of the West," which was painted and completed in 1940 by Eduard Buk Ulreich. According to the project's contract (dated Dec. 1, 1939) the artist was to be paid $840 for his efforts. Mr. Ulreich was quoted as saying: "In choosing the subject matter for the New Rockford postoffice mural, it seemed appropriate to portray the Indians from whom the state derived its name. ... I feel that Americans should become more familiar with the beauty and character of the red man ... and it...
  • U.S. Bankruptcy Courthouse Murals - Tallahassee FL
    The historic federal building (now U.S. Bankruptcy Courthouse) in Tallahassee, Florida houses an example of New Deal artwork: an eight-panel mural titled "History of Florida." Wikipedia: "The murals were funded by the Treasury Department's Section of Painting and Sculpture, a Depression-era program ... Hungarian-born American Edward “Buk” Ulreich (1889-1966) won a competition to paint the murals, which he completed in 1939." GSA description of the eight panels: 1) Five Standards on Parade shows the flags that have flown over Florida: Spanish, French, English, Confederate, and American. 2) Aborigine depicts the customs and life of Florida's native inhabitants at the time of early exploration. 3) Spain's influence...