• Post Office - Anacortes WA
    The historic post office in Anacortes was completed in 1938 with funds provided by the Treasury Department. It is also the site of Kenneth Callahan's mural, entitled "Halibut Fishing," completed in 1940 with funds provided by the Treasury Section of Fine Arts and viewable in the lobby.
  • Post Office Mural - Anacortes WA
    Under the Treasury Section of Fine Art, "Seattle artist and museum curator Kenneth Callahan completed  'Fishing' in 1940. The mural provoked some outcry from the local community, who didn't entirely agree with Callahan's depictions of fishing. "Callahan, one of the founders of the Northwest School (a Pacific Northwest art movements) served as a curator at the Seattle Art Museum between 1933-1963." (https://depts.washington.edu)